02 May 2006

Currently reading

I just had to put a little blurb on here about one of the latest books I'm reading - one that I will be buying very soon. Crunchy Cons by Rod Dreher is an absolutely fascinating book! A lot of what he says rings true with me. Apparently HOH and I are not as much in a minority as I had previously thought! In fact, there are several "crunchy cons" in our church, which is tremendously delightful to me. I get along well with the wives, and for once I don't feel the need to skirt around certain issues or explain myself for some of the things we choose - especially the ones like choosing not to vaccinate our children according to the AAP schedule, using nutrition, chiropractic care, and herbs as a first line of defense in our health care, and cloth diapering. One comment he makes, that has stuck with HOH and I is that the economy should serve us; we shouldn't serve the economy. Our consumerist culture is being driven more and more to serve the economy, and it has frightening implications for the family & society in general. Not to mention that this consumer-driven mindset is completely contrary to historical Christianity (and, as Dreher makes note of, many of the other major world religions). Oh, I could go on and on, but I'd rather encourage you to read the book if you're interested.

The other books I'm reading are interesting, too, but they fall into the following categories - mindless fluff and Bible study. In my mindless fluff stack are several John Grisham novels, and maybe some medieval mysteries will fall into the library bag today. In my Bible study bag, I have Martha Peace's The Excellent Wife that I'm doing with our associate pastor's wife; I also have Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp and something by John and Susan Yates about a home of grace. Our Ladie's Bible study group is on the last lesson of Seeking Him, too, so I have that to finish up, but it is in such doable sections, that I just plug away a little bit every day.


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