I'm going to be scarce this summer, starting now. We are going on a media blackout this summer. The TV has already been packed away for the next few months, and the computer is being strictly limited. We are seeking to use this time to spend with one another and learning to enjoy each other as family. In just 3 short days, we're seeing how addicted we are to the television. We're also seeing just how much we can get done without the TV and the Internet. I'm going to use some of my Internet time to post progress, maybe even a few pictures of what we get accomplished. We're hoping to get a fence up in the back yard, grow a nice garden this year, and get more landscaping stuff done around the yard, and probably other projects, as money and time allow.
Update as a reply to a comment:
Thank you, momrn! :) The only things I miss about TV are being able to see live local radar during storms, Jeopardy, and "The New This Old House Hour" (which is pretty much commercial free anyway). But, I don't watch them religiously, either, so I'm not missing them much. We've been pretty much free of programming, with the exception of said shows, for a year now. DH took the satellite away (darn, no more Alton Brown!) about a year ago, and while it was really difficult to adjust to, I'm so glad for it because we were watching too much TV! Since then, our main source of TV watching has been DVDs and VHS. But, that's okay to be without even that because of the fact that will stay light well past bedtime very soon. When it gets too cold and dark to play outside in the evening and we're tired of playing Candyland for the umpteenth time, we'll drag the TV out and stick on some VeggieTales or Pink Panther or something else that we enjoy as a family.