News from Ezekiel's Garden...
It is with great sadness that we have to share sad news with happy news. It is also the reason for the name change from Ezekiel's Garden to Joy Comes in the Mourning. David James "Garden" was born May 5, 2007. He was born at home into his daddy's arms because the midwives were 5 minutes away. It was a truly wonderful experience, however nervewracking it was at the time. The sad news is that he was infected with Group Beta Streptococcus and passed away due to overwhelming sepsis just 30 hours after his birth. I will post the story in greater detail at a later time. Through the Lord's tender care and merciful planting of us in a wonderful church, we are pressing on. There are sad days and happy days. Most days are just "okay." However, we are discovering that joy truly does come from mourning, and our Eternal Hope is the means through the pain to that joy.