27 February 2006

Getting Real

This is for Randi. I don't know how to post pics yet, and DH has promised a tutorial this evening, so maybe I'll get pics up by then, but here is a word picture about my life and house.

I am somewhat messy, and am comfortable with the level of messiness that I usually keep. HOH (head of household) is also messy, but he desires tidiness to a degree that I don't. We won't go into that, but let's just say that the only times the house is as tidy as he likes is when he does it. Because cleaning up after 3 children and myself is enough tidying for me. I do desire a somewhat tidier house, especially before homeschooling hits full swing, but I do what I can.

I am, however, organizing a slacker challenge. I did one in the past, and it helped. Neatniks need not apply. The premise is that you start out and try to improve one part of your life that you really slack on per time period (usually a week or two), and it is cumulative. By the end of the challenge, you should have some really good habits down! :) So, I'm thinking 2 week time periods are good, and we'll start out slow and easy. Anyone in with me?

So, for the first two weeks, I'm going to focus on the bedrooms. Easy, I think... I just need to make sure the beds are made and the laundry in the baskets in my closet, everyday.

The next two weeks, I think I'll try to tackle laundry. I am terrible at getting the job completely done. Sometimes we run out of underwear, and sometimes it just sits in baskets for weeks before getting folded. This is not even touching the diaper laundry or jeans.

The third two weeks should probably be the kitchen, as it's another place where I slack so badly. The floors are almost always crumby, unless Short Stuff has been on a feeding frenzy & has cleaned up the worst of the cheerio mess. The counters are piled with junk - mostly from HOH, but since it is in the kitchen, I think he thinks that I am the one that needs to clean it up?

Maybe this is bad, but I am going to save up vacuuming and dusting for the fourth two-week period. This is an area in which I fail miserably. I don't like to vacuum because the 3 boys hate it, and I don't like to deal with the crying and constant "Are you done yet?" questions.

So, that is a "real" picture of my house, and how I'm trying to improve.

As far as my life, I'm trying really hard to keep up every day with our ladies' Bible study. Sometimes, though, I end up doing 4 pages on Wednesday night because I get caught up in other stuff during the week. I don't really do anything else, devotionally, because I just don't seem to have the time. I do try to pray when I have to get up and nurse Short Stuff in the night, but sometimes I fall asleep.


At 6:30 PM, Blogger Randi said...

Thank you for sharing! It is hard (impossible) to keep a house clean and organized all the time! I am looking forward to warmer weather so we can go outside more--then I don't worry about it as much!

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Donnetta said...

OK, I'm in on the slacker challenge. Sounds like a great idea. Don't laugh though. I'm going to start small (that way I can be successful, right? At least a greater chance anyway) So, my 1st 2 week goal? Make sure all the laundry gets into the laundry hampers every night! All family members must participate! I can't even begin thinking of where to head after that. We'll try this first and go from there.


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